lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012




The connections between education and health are many, and operate both directly and through the intervening variables of economic growth and gender equity. Personal and household (family) income rises with education level. In developed countries, higher education is associated with healthier living conditions (e.g. better housing, exposure to less environmental pollution) and healthier lifestyles [...]

David Cameron's proclamation that the Tories will be "brazenly elitist" about the calibre of candidates entering the teaching profession betrays the fact that he doesn't know anything about teaching. As a teacher in various comprehensives for the past 20 years, I have seen many good teachers, and some, it's true, fit the stereotype that Cameron wants to impose: graduates with good degrees from so-called "good universities".

     Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) es considerada una de los más originales  y provocativos filósofos de posguerra
     We are, as it seems, considering not only how a city, but also a luxurious city, comes into being... Let’s look at a feverish city… This healthy one isn’t adequate any more, but must already be gorged with a bulky mass of things. Republic Book II, 372e-373b.
We can’t let the terrorists stop us from shopping. George Bush, September 2001.

  1. Curriculum in the Public Schools: Can Compromise Be Reached? by Charles L. Glenn
    The author argues that the public schools ought not teach a value system and a world view contrary to the beliefs and values of the children's parents.
  2. Falling Behind: An Interview with Jonathan Kozol by Jonathan Kozol
    There is a general sense that society no longer intends to bring black and Hispanic children into the mainstream of society. The public schools today are every bit as segregated as they were in 1964, in the days of Martin Luther King.
  3. Making Schools Work For The Rich And The Poor by Ronald J. Sider
    The author argues for large expenditures in public education to remedy the ills of inner-city school. Money should be spent to experiment both with school vouchers and with other reforms.
  4. The Hopeful Years: Children of the South Bronx by Jonathan Kozol
  5. The more time the author spends with inner-city children, the less credible and less legitimate large distinctions between them and other children seem.
  6. DO SCHOOLS KILL CREATIVITY?  (Video)  Brilliant!
Gender, Learning and Social Practice
Gendered Discourses in the Bakery
Klaus Nielsen

Policy as Boundary Object: A New Way to Look at Educational Policy Design and Implementation
Gholamreza Emad & Wolff-Michael Roth

     Teaching skills: ways to help improve teacher’s effectiveness

     The seven secrets behind great teaching

   The G8, Africa, and Global Health by Ronald Labonte, Ted Schrecker, David Sanders y Wilma Meeus
               University of Cape Town Press/IDRC 2004
               ISBN 1-91971-384-0
               e-ISBN 1-55250-130-2
      For most of the past century, the spread of mysterious, frightening diseases is something that has occurred mostly in poorer parts of the planet. Now that it is identified as primarily a ‘Third World’, especially African, condition, AIDS has briefly managed to make it to the highest level of political agendas, including the UN Security Council. But all in all, the G8 countries under scrutiny in this book have for decades lived as though immune to at least two of the biblical scourges – famine and pestilence.
Phenomenology as a Research Method, by Madeleine Rothe
   Writing as research
     Rothe is a landscape architect. This essay is a revised version of chapter 4 of her master’s thesis, which examines phenomenologically the process of becoming at home for 12 residents of the Nyland cohousing community outside of Denver, Colorado. As illustrated in the figure below, Rothe portrays this process as a series of seven stages and suggests that purchasing the land for development (after stage 3) and moving into the community (after stage 5) provide important external “spurs” for motivating the process onward. A thorough discussion of this becoming-at-home process is provided in Rothe, 2000. © Madeleine Rothe, 2001, 2003.

PM offers full apology on behalf of Canadians for the Indian Residential Schools system

11 June 2008, Ottawa, Ontario

Some Knowledge Capturing Techniques.
        Ohio State

World Wars


   Bacon makes, by a sort of exhaustive analysis, a ground-plan of all subjects of study, as an intellectual map, helping the right inquirer in his search for the right path. The right path is that by which he has the best chance of adding to the stock of knowledge in the world something worth labouring for; and the true worth is in labour for "the glory of the Creator and the relief of man's estate."
I. The Supreme Power of Nature
II. Astronomy
III. The Solar System
IV. Across the Divide
V. Flourishment of the Earth
VI. Animal Magnetism
VII. Miscellaneous
 University of Viterbo
        Thirteenth Annual Institute:  Educational and Legal Issues of Educating Children with Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities
                "Education serves our life, wisdom commands it
        Studies in Vocational and Professional Education
School of Education and Professional Studies (Brisbane-Logan), Griffith University, Nathan, 4111, Australia. Stephen Billett
  Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia
Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies
    Gregory Martin

        Critical Pedagogy as Community Praxis , by Gregory Martin

    H.E. Msgr. Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo
        Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences
        Casina Pio IV
        V-00120 Vatican City

Shaking up education

    No place for a child 

        Doing less for Britain's allegedly unhappy children might be the best policy, The Economist, Dec 13th 2007
Planetary clock
    Earth Clock
    What you have to know about world population, population growth, incidence of malnutrition, forest lost and what not.
Pisa 2006. Results
        Science Learning, Canada

China Institute
        Confucius Institute at China Institute
                Mandarin for Future Mandarin Teachers

                High School Chinese Camp

          The Confucius Institute at China Institute is one of the first Confucius Institutes to be established in the United States, with the mission of promoting Chinese language and culture, and an initial     focus on training New York area teachers to meet the growing demand for Chinese language instruction.

    Mary Lou Fulton College of Education Arizona State University and the College of Education University of South Florida.
    Learning and development evaluation guide
        The purpose of this guide is to provide practical support and guidance for human resource and learning and development practitioners to effectively evaluate their agency's learning and development.
            NASA Kid´s Club
            Sounds : animals, buttons and many others.
Tertiary Education
            The Chronicle of Higher Education
Los Alamos National Laboratory's Chemistry Division
                A Resource for Elementary, Middle School, and High School Students
            The Website in geography
A Parents' Guide
               Special Education Needs (2006-2007)

                The Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames believes that all residents of this borough, along with other users of its services,
 are entitled to fair and equal access to the full range of its services. It does not tolerate discrimination in any form and actively looks to identify where there is discrimination and to make the necessary changes to stop it.

    Mothers Against Drunk Drivers
        Education and learning
               Environment and Planning


    How to generate a fairy tale on your own

Science for a Changing World
The U.S. Geological Survey provides scientific information intended to help educate the public about natural resources, natural hazards, geospatial data, and issues that affect our quality of life. Discover selected online resources, including lessons, data, maps, and more, to support teaching, learning, education (K-12), and university-level inquiry and research

Education Math

    Science & Technology sites, last updated on 2 January 2008

    For resources and information on Science pictures and Science photos
Art For the Sky is a unique, large group, team building activity for schools, special events, festivals and corporations that awakens our ability to see that elusive Big Picture. These magnificent group creations, which only make sense when viewed from high above, are a whole-body way of stimulating our imagination and helping us understand our interconnection with one another and all life. With our "skysight" turned on, we can access our highest creative potential and better solve the problems we face as individuals and as a society.
To learn about the latest events, happenings, images and theories regarding Art For the Sky please tune into our blog, Sky View.

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