lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012



A BIT OF EVERYTHING by Patricia Lannoó
     British Curriculum, Year V
TEST Ancient Greece
Ghost Riddles
Monster Riddles
Skelton Riddles
Two Limericks

Good Company, by Leonard Clark

YEAR 5: Objectives for Reports
 Teaching Skills

     Teaching skills: ways to help improve teacher’s effectiveness

     The seven secrets behind great teaching

From domestic furnishings and decorative art to architecture and advertising, the curved lines and floral themes of Art Nouveau - also known as Stile Liberty or Jugendstil - swept through every European capital around 1900, bringing a fresh elegance to urban life.
James Alison
James Alison has lectured and taught throughout the U.S., the United Kingdom and Latin America. His books include The Joy of Being Wrong, Fragments Catholic and Gay and Raising Abel and Undergoing God. They present central Christian claims as deeply engaged with the Catholic theological tradition. This article appeared in The Christian Century, September 5, 2006 pp. 30-35. Copyright by the Christian Century Foundation; used by permission. Current articles and subscriptions information can be found at This material was prepared for Religion Online by Ted and Winnie Brock.
Sustainable Development

University of Oxford

Sir David King warns of climate change conflict Published: 13 Feb 09

    The Iraq war was the first ‘resource war’ according to Professor Sir David King, Director of the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment and a former UK government chief scientist.

Climate change may kill the Amazon rainforest

Published: 10 Feb 09
    The dieback of the Amazonian forests caused by climate change is not inevitable but remains a distinct possibility, according to a study led by the Professor of Ecosystem Science at Oxford University.
 Wild Singapore News

       Going nowhere fast: top rivers face mounting threats

       Many Major Rivers in Danger of Drying Out - WWF,   Story by Douwe Miedema

       WWF says pollution, dams threaten rivers,  By Eliane Engeler, Associated Press 

  1. A Question of Catholic Honesty by Daniel C. Maguire Abortion is always tragic, but the tragedy of abortion is not always immoral. Hand-wringingly sensitive to divergent views, the Catholic bishops give all sides a hearing, even the winnable nuclear war hypothesis -- a position they themselves find abhorrent, but change the topic to abortion, and nothing is the same.
  2. Abortion and Moral Consensus: Beyond Solomon’s Choice by Madonna Kolbenschlag Some churchmen and politicians are so intransigent on the issue of abortion, over which men have no physical control, and so tolerant of killing in war, over which men have always had control.
  3. Abortion and Theology by Martin E. Marty

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